Friday, January 28, 2011

Nice to see progress

Hi all,

I am doing pretty well. The last two weeks have been busy so only got to do squats twice a week, going to plan to do 3 or 4 x this week. I've been keeping track of what I do in a daily planner and that's a big help.

I did stand up myself once:) With zero assistance from anyone, but I did use the bar, but that is fine, that was my goal. But I did it once so I can do it again, eventually I want to stand myself every time. At first I tried with just my right hand on the bar, and I started standing but I started falling to the right because of very weak core muscles. Still looking for that solid effective core exercise to add to my steady arm (pullups) and leg (squats) routiine.

I have been able to continue doing pullups reguarly (5x a week.) My left arm /hand (weaker) I have to always struggle to get my arm up and tight fingers wrapped around the bar, a real struggle sometimes. But yesterday it was pretty easy, got it almost all the way there without using my right hand. My left arm is still weak and stiff but this was a great improvement. So if you keep with it you will be rewarded with progress that will make you smile:)

Thanks everybody!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

going pretty good

I've been sticking to my routine pretty steady the last 2 weeks. Squats are going good. I set a goal of standing up by myself. I'm really close but the mental part / safety net of my wife holding my arm is hard to get past. I set my goal for this year, but I think I can accomplish it in a few months or a few weeks, just need to get past the mental.

I did pullups today, I really like working my arms this way and really hope to make more time for it, twice a week would be better than once a week.

I usually walk about 70 steps but had recently set a goal for 100. I reached that goal twice this week, 122 and 140, felt awesome! :-) God rocks all the time.

Thanks for all feedback.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Feel good starting the new year

I've been keeping up with my squats pretty good and trying some other things. Tonight I did 3 sets, 10, 25, 14, the best I've done in a while and feel really good. Time still seems to be my biggest challenge but trying to figure it out. I joined a strength fitness forum and am getting some good ideas from there. I'm so specific orientated, I can't just do it, I need to know exactly what and if it will improve / strengthen. Since my time is limited I look for only effective exercises to add to my routine.

Anyway, that's it for now. Thank you for your ideas.

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