I know that people accomplish many things without any thought to God, but I much rather walk 50 steps with God than a thousand without Him. He has blessed me much and I wouldn't trade it for nothing.
Today I did a set of 20 squats. My right leg is still a constant battle but I don't let that make me give up. I think that I will try to do a few different exercises at least 3x a week to keep some consistancey yet not feel over whelmed. For example, pullups, squats, chair exercises - instead of feeling let down if I don't do things every day I might much better benefit by several sensible routines 3x a week.
I did make a video a few months back of me exercising in a chair, I need to post it so others can tell me how to improve / modify / add to it.
Thank you for checking in, hang in there, in exercise and in life.