Saturday, December 25, 2010

Still trying

I hadn't used the pullup bar in 2 weeks at least. I'm trying to get a program together that will effectively work and strengthen the most basic / important muscles to increase / improve my ability and stick to it faithfully for 12 weeks. I think if I can do this I will see improvements, wether big or small, but effective and worth while.

I felt good about taking the time to use the pullup bar today for the first day in a long time. My legs powered me up pretty good. I thing taking the time to do the leg presses from a chair has paid off.

I recently got a "flip" camcorder. What's everyone's opinion of my posting video on my progress rather than text?

Thanks to all. And thank you Katja, your response was very encouraging.


1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas!

    Have you thought about working with a trainer at least for a while to get a routine worked out and to get you going on a regular workout schedule? Are you familiar with NCPAD's website & blog? Their articles are a great resource.

    I think video can be useful, but (just my preference) I like reading text rather than listening to video blog entries. I know other people are exactly the opposite, though.


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