Not a very good video, my chair blocks my legs, next time I will try to set the camera at a side angle.
So.. this is hard. I guess if it was easy it would be no big deal. My balance / core is weak, I need to find a routine / exercise to improve that.
After that set of squats I did another set, this time leaning forward as I came down realizing this is what you do when you sit or stand.
Sigh. This is only the second day of this idea, I know everything takes time and effort, and you get out of something what you put into it. In all areas of life.
I am still excited.
Thank you for posting your progress! I needed this inspiration today! Keep up the great work.
Thank you for reading this blog and posting. I am thrilled that you are inspired. I know it's difficult sometimes, but little by little, never give up. Anyway, thank you:)